[TV] Arashi no Shukudai-kun

4 August 2008

Guest: chaos (No, not a person named chaos. It was damn chaotic, that show.)

I had a really bad day today. I came back, saw this. Watched it 3 times. Its not like... super funny. But its an episode that makes you rather excited and confused. They call this episode the "Nama housou-poi SP" which loosely translates to "Live broadcast-like SP." I know. xD Cracked up when I heard Ogura saying it.

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So they have limited time and lots of things to do. Aiba was acting as a producer and also the participant of the show. It opened with Aiba talking to a member of the staff about totally random crap about some ball. Perhaps golf. Then the members were like, "Yeah, yeah, but the show's starting dude." Then Aiba, calling "Chan Ogu" out to make his announcement about the starting of the show. And announce the commencement, Chan Ogu did. xD This "Sorta live broadcast" may only mean that they are filming the show in real time or something. Not so sure. Aiba's hair... ah... I am... turned on.

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So they allocated a few minutes for each of the activity performed on the show. First came Sho's 3-minute cooking. They allocated 5 minutes to it. Hm... and I thought it was a 3-minute cooking thing. Because everything was very spontaneous, they had to play the soundtrack of the show on a CD player to prove this episode's authenticity. And play it, Aiba did. They tried to maintain precision, and did it rather well. Rather.

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Sho's 3-minute cooking was mostly done by Jun and Ogura (or Chan Ogu.) xD Sho just did a bit of chopping and throwing things into the pan. Ohno didn't speak much. But he was really LOLing when Sho chopped the vege wrongly. Sorry, can't put a name to that vege. To me, all veges are the same (except for tomatoes. God, who eats tomatoes? They taste like... like... ewwwww) and fishes are fishes. No difference. Sho was about to dig his hands into the rice to transfer them to the pan. Then Chan Ogu was like "WTF, don't freaking use your hands!" Then Sho was "Kyaaa"ing like a girl when he had to just put the rice in the pan. Why? Aiba then asked Riida to say something, but Riida threw something into the pan instead. Sho then tasted the rice when it was still really hot. He then spit it back out and put it back into his mouth.

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Next came the ol' hypnosis performance by the YamaTarou due, Sho and Nino. At first, they were all eating the fried rice from earlier. Then Aiba was like "The rest can go on eating while the hypnosis was going on." Chaos. Nino tried to make Sho do the first backflip in his life. Sho refused to wake up from his hypnotized state. So Nino made him imitate someone instead. Then lastly, Nino proposed a compromise, by having Sho do a backflip with the help of all the other Arashi members. Sho went along, almost falling in the process. Was in a state of shock for a few seconds. xD Hilarious. Was shrieking like a girl again.

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After that, came the return of A no Arashi! My, my aren't we excited? The white coat is back and Chan Ogu was doing the A no Arashi posture as well. All was well. Can 'nori' be put into boxes the way boxed tissues are? xD At first, they folded the nori manually, for a while. AND THEN Aiba brought out a prepared one. Everyone got to pull the nori out from the box, then everyone started to eat the nori. They also had a pocket-nori version. Smart Aiba. Now we can have nori anytime, anywhere! Then it was some greenish thing in a bowl, they poured water into it, and then the water slowly disappeared, leaving more of the greenish thingie. Oh yeah, and they all ate the greenish thingie from the same spoon. Yes, Chan Ogu too. Ah, isn't it nice to be this close to someone that you can share just about anything

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Then after the CM, Sho was in the toilet when the show started. When Sho came back running, Aiba gave him two smacks on the legs as Sho read out the title for the next activity that they were doing. It was Nino's magic show. Nino curled up a paper with a drawing of a spoon. Then he did some card games, nothing to special. When this was in progress, Sho was asked to draw a picture of a scene. Yes, SHO. Cos if Ohno does it, it is good, but not funny. Sho only drew Jun, in his sailor-suit-like jacket.

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3 Farted :: [TV] Arashi no Shukudai-kun

  1. Wait, suddenly Ohno looks like a girl o_o. But oh, i will try the nori thing out soon XD, got heaps of nori in my pantry.

  2. Why the nori? They are paid to do that, you know? We are not as free to do stuff like that. xD

    Or are you?

  3. I...might have a sudden craving for nori. Gotta be prepared ya know XD

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