This is the PV to the song "LIPS", KAT-TUN's new single scheduled to be released early February. Yes, its the PV to the song with THIS as the single cover. xD
As I said before when I was capping the performance, I like the song. Its a catchy song. Not particularly addictive or amazing, but it is a good song. Good songs are... um... you know... good. But seriously, I have to ask the question again, what the hell is the deal with thosevibrator longish, big-ish microphones?
And... Kame, Kame, Kame... I could have liked him second best. I really could have. His singing is not as bad as... say... Junno's. He's a happy boy when he isn't performing (mostly singing). He has nice characters in dramas. I could have liked him best.
But the finger-licking and microphone-almost-licking and the lips-licking is not helping him go up on my list. Junno's singing voice is like MatsuJun's. I wonder who is worse...
I have to think...
Oh thinking is too much for my brain. Let me not think and throw a coin.
Nah, maybe later.
But I like Nakamaru... Koki looks better now than when he was in those end of the year performances with the perm. No perms.
And Kame's make-up... ever since I saw Aiba with eyeliner in one of their concerts, I have decided that men shouldn't wear eyeliner. Kame looked good with eyeliner... but I am not sure that he looked good as a man. If you know what I mean... and he looks so slutty in the PV. Like, if there is a slut-o-meter... it would go off the scale..
Jin could pass as a woman (a rather big... woman... or some might say fat... wonder if he's going for the beefy look. But his features are indeed pretty-ish.), sometimes Junno too (Junno would be the anorexic model of a woman. Probably Korean. He has Yon-sama-ish eyes.). I liked Junno, especially in Yukan Club, but when he sings... its like... its like... DON"T MAKE ME THINK ABOUT IT.
But its a good song, when it was Jin singing... it was good. Jin's vocals are good, and um... he was biting his bling in an earlier part of the PV, and I don't know, most would call it sexay, but well... yeah didn't work for me. Frankly, I miss the Bakanishi in the "Summary of Johnny's World" backstage video. That was the video that propelled Jin to the top of my KAT-TUN list earlier on. But now its Nakamaru and Jin is no longer on my list for various reasons...
I guess they just grew up, you know? But whatever... Jun grew up too, so did Pi. Well... they're not Peter Pan or anything... so yeah, there's nothing to say about the matter.
Very little rap, too bad for Koki (I watched "My Boss My Hero" again recently and I really want to find a razor and shave Koki's head again... cos bald is good.) and Nakamaru... the song is very KAT-TUN. I don't even know what that means... but yeah, couldn't think of another way to describe it.
The PV looks... okay, but it doesn't look as good as "Keep The Faith" which is my favourite KAT-TUN single to date. (It should be "Real Face" but you know when you listen to a song too much and then it just gets a little boring and you need time before you can really enjoy it again?)
I know being all sexay is the trend right now... but I don't like the PV. I probably won't like their performances too. But I can't help watching them. For no reason other than because they are Johnny's. And Nakamaru. And if I picture Koki bald.
Of course there is also the Victoria Beckham impostor. You can see him (her?) sneaking around in a few scenes... xD
On to the screencaps.
As I said before when I was capping the performance, I like the song. Its a catchy song. Not particularly addictive or amazing, but it is a good song. Good songs are... um... you know... good. But seriously, I have to ask the question again, what the hell is the deal with those
And... Kame, Kame, Kame... I could have liked him second best. I really could have. His singing is not as bad as... say... Junno's. He's a happy boy when he isn't performing (mostly singing). He has nice characters in dramas. I could have liked him best.
But the finger-licking and microphone-almost-licking and the lips-licking is not helping him go up on my list. Junno's singing voice is like MatsuJun's. I wonder who is worse...
I have to think...
Oh thinking is too much for my brain. Let me not think and throw a coin.
Nah, maybe later.
But I like Nakamaru... Koki looks better now than when he was in those end of the year performances with the perm. No perms.
And Kame's make-up... ever since I saw Aiba with eyeliner in one of their concerts, I have decided that men shouldn't wear eyeliner. Kame looked good with eyeliner... but I am not sure that he looked good as a man. If you know what I mean... and he looks so slutty in the PV. Like, if there is a slut-o-meter... it would go off the scale..
Jin could pass as a woman (a rather big... woman... or some might say fat... wonder if he's going for the beefy look. But his features are indeed pretty-ish.), sometimes Junno too (Junno would be the anorexic model of a woman. Probably Korean. He has Yon-sama-ish eyes.). I liked Junno, especially in Yukan Club, but when he sings... its like... its like... DON"T MAKE ME THINK ABOUT IT.
But its a good song, when it was Jin singing... it was good. Jin's vocals are good, and um... he was biting his bling in an earlier part of the PV, and I don't know, most would call it sexay, but well... yeah didn't work for me. Frankly, I miss the Bakanishi in the "Summary of Johnny's World" backstage video. That was the video that propelled Jin to the top of my KAT-TUN list earlier on. But now its Nakamaru and Jin is no longer on my list for various reasons...
I guess they just grew up, you know? But whatever... Jun grew up too, so did Pi. Well... they're not Peter Pan or anything... so yeah, there's nothing to say about the matter.
Very little rap, too bad for Koki (I watched "My Boss My Hero" again recently and I really want to find a razor and shave Koki's head again... cos bald is good.) and Nakamaru... the song is very KAT-TUN. I don't even know what that means... but yeah, couldn't think of another way to describe it.
The PV looks... okay, but it doesn't look as good as "Keep The Faith" which is my favourite KAT-TUN single to date. (It should be "Real Face" but you know when you listen to a song too much and then it just gets a little boring and you need time before you can really enjoy it again?)
I know being all sexay is the trend right now... but I don't like the PV. I probably won't like their performances too. But I can't help watching them. For no reason other than because they are Johnny's. And Nakamaru. And if I picture Koki bald.
Of course there is also the Victoria Beckham impostor. You can see him (her?) sneaking around in a few scenes... xD
On to the screencaps.